Friday, July 13, 2012

OK, so I've obviously not been very good at keeping up this blog as it has been 11 months since my last post.  It has been a very busy, yet productive 11 months. 

Since last summer, Mr. J has been involved in football, basketball, band, the World Vision 30 Hour Famine, and will soon be leaving on his first Teen Serve trip. 

Miss Lo is still studying the art of ballet and amazed audiences (ok, maybe just those in the audience who were related to her) with her performances in The Nutcracker and Alice in Wonderland.  She and her brother are both looking forward to another busy school year starting very soon. 

I followed their physical activity lead and joined a gym in January.  As a result I'm now 17 pounds lighter.  (Applaud here.)  With my newfound energy, I have jumped into the second year of my ever-evolving five year yard makeover with full force.  It is amazing what pulling a few weeds and moving a lot of gravel can do for a yard.  I didn't get my raised beds built this year like I had planned, but decided to plant all my veggies in my newly reclaimed flower beds instead.  (It's a fact that my neighbor's think I'm crazy.  I really don't feel the need to prove to them otherwise.)

The realty pic from the summer before we bought the house

Another realty pic

I will soon post pictures of all I've done to the yard in the last two summers.  I'm very excited about it and can't wait to see what next year will bring.  If I keep up my workouts (and get a 2nd job), I just might have my 5 year plan done in year 3!

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